نسخة تجريبية

Saudi National Gate


National E-Government PortalIs an electronic portal through which citizens, residents, companies and visitors from anywhere can access the e-government services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and carry out transactions quickly and efficiently, where Access to e-government services. Access to electronic services is achieved through the provision of electronic services through the portal either through integration with other government entities, or through the provision of web links to those entities and to their services on the portal.

In addition, the portal:

  • Represents an important information outlet for the dissemination of news related to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and events in its regions.
  • Directory of Government Agencies.
  • The portal provides a great number of links to Saudi regulations, laws, regulations and initiatives.
  • The Kingdom section contains information on Saudi Arabia.


You can visit the Unified National Portal by clicking:here

Service level agreementRegister in the portal