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The Minister of Human Resources and Social Development heads the Kingdom's delegation participating in the International Labor Conference at its 112th session in Geneva

Publication date: 05 June 2024 - 28 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445

His Excellency the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, Eng. Ahmed bin Suleiman Al-Rajhi, headed the Kingdom's delegation participating in the 112th International Labor Conference, which will continue from 3 to 14 June 2023 in Geneva, where the Kingdom's delegation includes representatives of the three production parties from governments, employers and workers.

During the plenary session of the conference on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, His Excellency the Minister delivered a speech in which he affirmed the Kingdom's support for the report of the Director-General of the International Labor Organization under the title "Towards a renewed social contract", and stressed the importance of identifying challenges that have not been addressed and expectations that have not been met in the current social contract and working to address them through collective action.

His Excellency also reviewed the most prominent initiatives of the Kingdom to address the risks of climate change facing the world of work today, and mitigate their effects in the new decade, and the Kingdom's efforts in harnessing technology to keep pace with the transformations arising from technological progress and its importance in renewing the social contract, and the Kingdom's initiatives to revitalize the tripartite structure, basic labor standards, and social dialogue to ensure the social contract by prioritizing the achievement of safe and healthy work environments, and the Kingdom's efforts and initiatives in the field of human rights and ensuring their protection.

His Excellency the Minister concluded his speech by inviting delegations to participate and attend the International Labor Market Conference in its second edition, which will be hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the period 29-30 January 2025 in Riyadh.

The Kingdom's delegation reviews in the work of the standing committees of the conference the Kingdom's achievements, its most important initiatives and the legislative developments it has undertaken in the context of labor and human rights, such as the policies adopted by the Kingdom, most notably the National Policy for Occupational Safety and Health and the National Policy to Encourage Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment in Employment and Profession in the Kingdom, and the National Policy on Child Labour.

Participants in the conference will discuss permanent items, including the report of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the organization, in addition to the report of the Director-General of the organization. The conference will also review the organization’s programs and budget for review and approval, in addition to information and reports on the application of work standards, recommendations and agreements.

The conference agenda also includes an item on protection from biological risks, which will be discussed for the first time, and on the strategic goal of basic principles and rights at work, and an item on decent work and the care economy.



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