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End of Service Regulations

Publication date: 27 March 2023 - 05 Ramadan 1444

End of Service Regulations 2 These Regulations have been approved by the Civil Service Council’s Resolution No. 1/813, dated 20/08/1423 H. (26/10/2002 G.), circulated by the Council of Ministers Court’s letter No. 7/B/44764, dated 17/11/1423 H. (20/01/2003 G.). Besides, these Regulations shall replace all the provisions stated in the Implementing Regulations of the Civil Service Law, from Article (30/1) to Article (30/17). In addition, Article (30/18) shall be abolished. These Regulations shall be applicable and circulated as of 17/11/1423 H. (20/12/2003 G.). ------------------------------ The aforesaid Civil Service Council’s Resolution has been issued. The provision of the issued Resolution states as follows: In paragraph (1) thereof, it states the amendment of Articles 30/1, 30/3, 30/4, 30/5, 30/8, 30/9, 30/10, 30/11, 30/13, 30/14, 30/15, 30/16 and 30/17, regarding the end of service stated in the implementing regulations of the Civil Service Law, as drafted in the Resolution. Besides, the provision of Article 30/18 of the Regulations shall be abolished. In Article (2) thereof, it states: The Ministry of Civil Service shall collect the unamended existing articles and the amended articles in a form of regulations, entitled the “End of Service Regulations” to be easily referred to by the executive authorities and to be revised in the future as the case may be. Accordingly, the Decree No. 36/2 of His Excellency, the Minister of Civil Service, dated 24/11/1423 H. (27/01/2003 G.), was issued decreeing that: First: - The attached prepared wording of the End of Service Regulations shall be approved and shall replace all the articles stated in the implementing regulations of the Civil Service Law, from Article 30/1 to 30/17, in addition to the provisions of the Resolution No. 1/431, dated 29/06/1417 H. (10/11/1996 G.) on the end of service by resignation or retirement for the 14-grade and 15-grade employees. Second: - These Regulations shall be enforced as of the date of circulating the aforesaid Civil Service Council’s Resolution, dated 17/11/1423 H. (20/01/2003 G.). Third: - The competent departments in the Ministry shall finalize the procedures required for printing and distributing these Regulations to the government authorities according to the followed procedures.

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